Actress Charmaine Mtinta has announced her departure from the popular Etv drama series, Smoke and Mirrors. Mtinta, who played a key role in the show, took to social media to clarify her exit.
“I am deeply concerned about the false and damaging allegations being circulated regarding my departure from Smoke and Mirrors. These claims are untrue and risk tarnishing my reputation and career and i feel it is necessary to address them directly.
According to Mtinta, her departure from Smoke and Mirrors was a result of failed negotiations with the show’s producers regarding her contract. Despite attempts to reach a mutually beneficial agreement, the parties involved were unable to come to a satisfactory understanding.
Mtinta expressed her gratitude to the show’s producers, her fellow cast members, and the fans for their support during her time on Smoke and Mirrors. She also wished the show continued success in the future.