Intaba Yase Dubai has apologized to Big Zulu after accusations of exploitation. Th3 controversy stemmed from their 2022 collaboration, Imali Eningi which was a major hit. At the time, Intaba Yase Dubai claimed that he never received proper compensation for the song. He has reportedly said, “I would like to apologize to anyone that i had a beef with.
It wasn’t my intention to fight with people or use vulgar language. I’m not proud of what I did and my pasy experiences have taught me that i cannot walk alone. Every person needa that one person to grow. I’m sorry to anyone that i hurt. ”
He went on to clarify that Bog Zulu did not rob him of anything saying,” I don’t have any issues with him. He never stole a cent from me or robbed me of any money. The only person wbo robbed me of my money was the person eho accepted it from him and never gave it to me.
Big Zulu had good intentions and i took out my frustrations on him. I regret ever signing a recording deal, i should have stayed at home and released music without any recording deal. Please stop going around speaking ill of Big Zulu. It’s time toet bygones be bygones, ” he said.