Controversial gender activist, Sihke Sibisi, is trending after she was linked to King Misizulu.
Responding to the story, Sihle wrote on her social media:
All I ever wanted was the TRUTH to be spoken that I was NEVER AN INTRUDER at the ZULU ROYAL HOUSE….
Instead the Zulu family decided to continue a smear campaign against me through newspapers etc…
I begged Bayede to stand up & speak the truth for me to no avail
My reputation was ruined, I was EMOTIONALLY & PSYCHOLOGICALLY ABUSED by BAYEDES SILENCE, also trolled & smeared by the media
When you Google SIHLE SIBISI today the first story that comes out is #ZuluIntruder💔
Last week again a TikTok video circulated from one of the Royal family members TikTok account which was leaked where Bayede is heard threatening my life, this audio was a conversation from last year 2022 during the time my family & I were pleading with him to STAND UP & CLEAR my name.
So this TikTok video is circulating now in 2023 as if it is something which happened/happening now.
As a result I have been getting DEATH THREATS & I HAD TO OPEN A CASE WITH THE POLICE
I’m very hurt & disappointed that Bayede as a man who stands up & publicly says or claims that he advocates against GENEDER BASED VIOLENCE & FEMICIDE, couldn’t stand up & defend me when the entire country was dragging my name in the mud, EMOTIONALLY, MENTALLY I WAS ABUSED & SMEARED & yet Beyede chose to remain SILENT
I HAVE ZERO HATE towards Bayede & the Royal family but my plea is in all they do & say LET TRUTH PREVAIL & may I not be used for their IN HOUSE FIGHTING CAMPAIGNS💔
💥Todays Sunday Times newspaper also reported how Bayede is also in hiding as there are THREATS upon his life after the member of the Royal family leaked the TikTok audio, which has caused him to also fear for his life
This post is not to smear or embarass anyone, but for all to see & know that I SIHLE SIBISI WAS NEVER AN INTRUDER AT THE ZULU ROYAL HOUSE
ALSO that a police case was opened at douglasdale police station a few days ago after the TikTok video was leaked as my life is being threatened
Assassinations & Killings are real our country
As a GBVF ACTIVIST, I have personally experienced how people in POWER, MEN IN SUITES can try to SILENCE women