
Investigations by City Power into what caused the electrocution of a newly wed couple in Crosby, Johannesburg has revealed that an electric meter was bridged.

They also revealed that the earth was disconnected on the meter box inside their house.

Isaac Mangena from City Power said vandalism of power infrastructure in areas that include Mayfair and Crosby was rampant. He said people and businesses in these areas were involved in illegal connections.

The findings by City Power confirmed an earlier suspicion that the voltage instability could have been caused by the tempering of the power network.


Zaheer Sarang and Nabeelah Khan’s bodies were found in the shower at the weekend. Their family revealed that the city was warned about the power problem before the incident happened.

The power utility urged citizens to stop tempering with electricity infrastructure. They also urged citizens not to bypass meters, to stop illegal disconnections and vandalism as they lead to the malfunctioning of power circuits.

