The star, who is known for his role as Captain Sthembiso Radebe on the Mzansi Magic drama series the Queen, was fighting for his life in ICU for several days and shared the video on his Instagram page on Friday.
In the video he said he had trouble sleeping and difficulty breathing. He said that he was changing positions to help him breathe better.
The actor plans to publish a series of videos about his battle with the disease.
In his video, the star said he has been discharged from ICU after battling the virus. He also said he lost more than 27kg because of the disease.
Mlamli revealed that he was rushed to hospital when he could no longer walk and it took him 20 minutes to get into an ambulance.
He added that he had to bury his brother last month to the virus and concerned fans filled his comments section with well wishes, praying for his speedy recovery.