Owamie walks us through the strange things happening between Somizi and Mohale.
The first strange thing about Somizi and Mohale is that when they started dating only Somizi posted their pictures on his Instagram page while Mohale posted non that featured Somizi.
Secondly it’s the age Gap between the two lovers. Mohale was born in 1995 whereas Somizi was born in 1972. That means when Mohale was born, Somizi was already 23years old.
The third strange thing between Mohale and Somizi is that when the two met, Mohale was going to University. However Mohale is always traveling with Somizi. He no longer posts pictures of himself at school like he used to do before they started dating. Maybe Mohale dropped out of school.
Mohale and Somizi’s engagement happened in Paris and it was supposed to be a surprise. Somizi asked Mohale to marry him. The cameras were there so it looks like it was planned just to make their ratings to go up.
Strange thing number five is something that happened recently. The two had a huge fight to an extent that Somizi did not go to Mohale’s birthday party. Next thing they post pictures together like nothing happened.
Last point is the whole cheating scandal. It has been rumoured that Mohale cheated on Somizi with Lanvin and that Somizi even threatened him. Lanvin also attended Mohale’s birthday party. Mohale never denied the rumors.
All these things happening between Somizi and Mohale are weird and strange and yet no one talks about them.