Yolz got married at the young age of 25. She is a cautious spender, always spending on her son and buying others gifts rather than buy things for herself.
She has not made a million yet on YouTube, but if she was working in the corporate world she could make it in three years.
Her husband is a great cook so she rarely cooks in their home. However she is responsible and smart but not super intelligent like her younger brother or sister.
Yolz revealed that she is strict mainly because she was raised by a single mother and her being the first born means she had to carry the burden of taking care of her younger siblings.
She said she is always approachable and always smiling but she can be straightforward and frank. However she does not tolerate nons-nse.
Her husband was the first man she got intimate with but not the first man she dated. Yolz used to date two other church boys and was at one time a side chick.
She could not reveal her bank amount but said she can spend money because she has it. As she was talking she was on holiday in Greece.
Yolz love dancing with her husband and only drinks wine with him. If she is out with others she takes juice.
Her mother is half Xhosa and her dad is Tswana so she is mixed.
Most of the time she is a good wife and submissive to her husband. She let’s her husband make decisions and be the head in their home.
Yolz says she does not tolerate disrespectful people and she is going to be a strict mum to her son.
She added that she is a Christian, she received Christ when she was 18years old.
At University she started with studying towards a Bcom degree but later changed to Finances and Investments during her second year.
Thus she is a spreadsheet person and is strict with the budget. She confessed that she used to be short tempered but her husband calmed her.
Meanwhile, Yolz said she was not ready to have a second baby. Her weakness is putting others feelings first before hers.
She never got in trouble with law but she once got a detention at school for bunking classes. At one point she forged her mother’s signature.
Lastly Yolz said clubbing was not her kind of fun but ironically she met her husband outside a club on the day she was being introduced to clubbing.