Entertainment blogger Owamie Hlogwane has responded to Lerato Kganyago’s Live video where she was crying about how Owamie had shamed her on her YouTube page.
Owamie said there is a law that falls under the fair user policy that allows bloggers or anyone to talk about everything besides lies.
So Lerato have no legal right to sue Owamie because bloggers talk about everything from food to celebrities. Owamie said she had never lied about anyone because she respects the law thus she always speak the truth.
However she was shocked when her fans told her that Lerato Kganyago was live on Instagram lying about the infertility shaming.
Owamie could not see the live video because they both blocked each other.
However, Hlongwane said she is not surprised that Lerato would make lies about her.
According to Owamie, Lerato once accused her of being a witch.
Owamie added that she has never spoken about Lerato’s infertility even though the issue is a public thing.
Owamie said she would never shame other women using their infertility because her own sister battled infertility for six years.
Furthermore, Owamie revealed that she has been married for nine years but is always shamed by people who think she is barren which is not the case.
Owamie found it shocking that a celebrity with almost two million followers would lie to so many people just to make them emotional and in turn see her as a horrible person.
She said she was forced to defend herself because newspapers could write about the lie and companies will stop working with her .
Owamie has since asked anyone with the link of the video where she shamed Lerato for failing to have a child.
If anyone would give her the evidence then she will be ready to apologise across all media platforms after deleting the video.
After the live video Lerato’s followers had a field day on how horrible Owamie is.
Owamie added that she recently made a video where she congratulated, Lerato who just got married.
Finally, the blogger said she wished nothing but the best for Lerato and that God will bless her with children.